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packlist.dat is a file in the "Packs" folder in the TrackMania installation directory. It contains the encryption keys for the .pak files.

There is no equivalent file for ManiaPlanet.

File structure

  • byte version (currently 1)
  • byte numPacks
  • uint32 crc32 (zero)
  • uint32 salt
  • PackEntry[numPacks]
    • byte flags
    • byte nameLength (must be < 32)
    • byte encryptedName[nameLength]
    • byte encryptedKeyString[0x20]
  • byte signature[0x10]

Reading the pack entries

The name and the key of each entry are decrypted as follows.

// md5() is a function that returns the MD5 hash of the input string
nameKey = md5("6611992868945B0B59536FC3226F3FD0" + sprintf("%u", salt));
for (int i = 0; i < nameLength; i++)
    name[i] = encryptedName[i] ^ nameKey[i % 16];

keyStringKey = md5(name + sprintf("%u", salt) + "B97C1205648A66E04F86A1B5D5AF9862")
for (int i = 0; i < 0x20; i++)
    keyString[i] = encryptedKeyString[i] ^ keyStringKey[i % 16];

key = md5(keyString + "NadeoPak")

name corresponds to the name of a .pak file, without the extension. key is the 16-byte key used during Blowfish decryption of the .pak file.

Signature verification

packlist.dat has a 16-byte signature/checksum at the end for integrity checking. It is verified as follows:

md5In = md5("E3554B5828AF14F11AA42A5EAF0AEFC8" + sprintf("%u", salt));
md5Xor36 = pad(md5In, 0x40, '\0');   // Append 0x30 '00' bytes
md5Xor5C = pad(md5In, 0x40, '\0');
for (int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
    md5Xor36[i] ^= 0x36;
    md5Xor5C[i] ^= 0x5C;
signature = md5(md5Xor5C + md5(md5Xor36 + fileContent))   // fileContent is everything in packlist.dat except the signature

The calculated signature must match the signature in the file, or TrackMania will not accept the file.